Tamer Hosny

Tuesday 22 September 2009,

Tamer Hosny is an increasingly popular music icon in the Middle East, especially in his homeland Egypt. This half-Egyptian half-Syrian graduated from University in Media Studies and chose life as a singer - but his path to stardom hasn't been a smooth one.
Military Service is compulsary for those who are fit, but Tamer & another singer Hytham Shaker forged documents that they had completed this - and both were fined and spent 1.5 years in prison.
Tamer became free in 2006 and now sings in both English and Arabic. Many see him as a major competitor to Amr Diab (who has been known as the King of Arabic Music for years) since his last album topped the charts.

The below video is a single from Tamer Hosny's 2009 album; Ha3eesh 7ayaty (I'll Live My Life)


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