Beirut, Tourist Destination

Monday 21 September 2009,

Since the war, Lebanon's coastal capital Beirut has overcome it's volatile reputation, and while it still bears some scars of war, has become one of the trendiest cities to visit in the world. This year, The New York Times has named Beirut as Top City to Visit & Lonely Planet has also put this lively city in it's Top 10. You can even find package deals and cheap flights to Beirut advertised in the back of your national newspapers - a sign that Beirut has really upped it's tourism game.
The city is now renowned for it's nightlife, cultural attractions (see mosques and churches side by side) and perhaps not surprisingly it's gay scene.

1. A view of Lebanon Marina & city.

2. Shahet esh-Shouhada, Place des Martyrs, Martyr's Square - Downtown, Beiruit. These statues commemorate Lebanese nationalists hung by the Ottomans in World War 1.

3. Beirut City Centre

4. Al-Hamra Street, once known as the "Paris of the Middle East", hasn't fully regained this accolade but is still packed with coffee shops, boutiques and hotels.

5. Beirut lies on the Mediterranean.

6. The Lebanese flag flies by the sea-side.


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